Advantages of Garlic for Health

Articles 18 Jul 2019

Hello, Oatlovers! This time we will discuss the advantages of garlic for health. Already know what are the benefits? Garlic is part of many dishes in almost every culture, it turns out garlic is rich in antioxidants that can neutralize free radicals in the body and can cure various diseases, want to know more about its superiority? Let’s see Oatlovers!

1. Cancer drugs

It turns out that garlic has strong anti-cancer properties, garlic reduces the risk of cancer, especially colon cancer and stomach cancer, Oatlovers!

2. Cold medicine

By consuming garlic 1 to 2 cloves it can prevent the flu or runny nose, garlic can speed up the recovery process. Apart from that, this kitchen spice ingredient can treat cold people.

3. Cholesterol

Did you know that garlic can reduce cholesterol? Garlic juice can reduce the risk of heart disease by reducing blood cholesterol oxidation and plaque buildup from arteries.

4. Fungal infections

Garlic can also treat fungal infections such as foot or ear infections, how to consume raw garlic juice internally. To relieve itching, garlic juice can also be applied to the area.

5. Hypertension

The ability of other garlic is a cure for hypertension because it can cleanse arterial deposits and normalize blood pressure.

6. Toxicity

Because garlic contains sulfur compounds that can detoxify blood from poisons, lead and other heavy metals.

Such is the superiority of Oatlovers of garlic for health, don’t forget to always maintain health by exercising, and consuming healthy food every day. If Oatlovers have health problems as listed above, it can be tried to consume garlic. Good luck and hopefully useful Oatlovers!




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