6 Benefits of Mung Bean for Health

Articles 21 Mar 2019

Hello, Oatlovers! Who likes food containing green beans? Green bean porridge, bakpia, dumplings, are served in various forms of food. Green beans are one type of plant that can be used to replace rice consumption! What are the benefits of green beans for our bodies? Let’s see!

1. Brighten up the face

It turns out that the properties of green beans can brighten the face and reduce the acne on our faces. According to traditional Chinese medicine which believes that green beans can encourage collagen production and beautify the skin, green beans also contain phytoestrogens which have the effect of delaying aging, Oatlovers!

2. Anti poisons for the body

Green beans to cleanse toxins in the body, why is that? Because green beans contain protein, tannins and flavonoids, which are effective for cleaning heavy pesticides and metals such as mercury and iron in the body.

3. Reducing the effects of PMS (Premenstrual Syndrome)

Women who want to menstruate usually experience abdominal pain or body aches, by eating green beans it can help control fluctuations in hormones that can trigger PMS symptoms. Because green beans contain vitamin B6, vitamin B and folate.

4. Immunity

Eating green beans can increase immunity for the body, Oatlovers. Mung bean works as an anti-swelling and can help increase immunity and neutralize harmful bacteria such as viruses, irritants and much more.

5. Prevent cancer

A medical researcher says that green beans can prevent DNA damage and harmful cell mutations in the body. This is because green beans contain high levels of polyphenols and oligosaccharides which can reduce the development of cancer in the body.

6. Lose weight

Some experts say that eating green beans increases cholecystokinin, which can make people full. Why is that? Because green beans are rich in protein and high fiber.

Thus Oatlovers 6 Benefits of Green Beans for Health, it is very useful for our body. In addition to caring for the skin and keeping from the outside can also protect our inner body. Don’t forget to apply a healthy lifestyle and also regular exercise, Oatlovers. Good luck!

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