Health Benefits of Cherry Fruit

Articles 15 Nov 2018

Hello, Oatlovers! Cherry (cherry) is a fruit that originates from the northern hemisphere and thrives in temperate regions. The name “cherry” comes from the Latin “cerasum” which is the name of a place in Turkey where this fruit was first discovered. It turns out that cherries have the benefits contained in what are the benefits? Let’s see!

1. Cancer drugs

Cherry is being studied extensively for its potential uses in fighting cancer. Research so far shows cherry consumption is beneficial in fighting various organ cancers.

2. Anti-oxidants

Anti-oxidants in cherry are known to be effective against free radicals or unstable molecules that are responsible for cell damage in the human body. Cherry antioxidants are also believed to be able to slow down the aging process.

3. Inflammatory medicine

Research reveals that the red pigments of anthocyanins in cherry help reduce inflammation and pain. Cherry fruit is credited as being able to reduce the risk of heart disease and diabetes. Research reveals that people who regularly consume cherry have low blood cholesterol and triglyceride levels.

4. Medicine for all diseases and diets

A full cup of cherry every day has the ability to overcome the discomfort associated with arthritis and gout. This fruit is low in fat content and high in water content. Regular consumption helps to increase energy levels and modify metabolism to lose weight. Cherry is also used as a natural remedy for Fibromyalgia Syndrome and various specific physiological problems.

5. Contains high potassium

The high potassium content in cherry can control water retention and help treat neurodegenerative diseases and autoimmune connective tissue diseases. Regular consumption of cherry will guarantee the availability of the body’s needs for iron, potassium, magnesium, fiber, and folate.

Well there you are, Oatlovers! Seeing the many healthy benefits of cherry fruit, there is no reason not to add this fruit to our daily healthy menu right? If we want to consume it by making juice, make sure not to add sugar. Enjoy the fresh cherry fruit!

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